An interactive virtual reality story for pc and oculus
An interactive story for pc & oculus rift (playable with the DK2). - Navigating by looking at certain keypoints in view - proximity soundtracks - immersive locations more soon!
An interactive story for pc & oculus rift (playable with the DK2). - Navigating by looking at certain keypoints in view - proximity soundtracks - immersive locations more soon!
As part of the dental e-learning project, a rough 3k high quality stock photos have been taken over the two years. This image represents the steps taken before a photo is ready to be implemented into the learning modules.
Project in a day – April Shorts scene in which a UFO abducts a cow. They render is a look & feel shot of the scene after post production The movie is a tracking rendertest Total amount of hours: 6 3dsmax, boujou, premiere, after effects, photoshop Click the photo to view a highr-res version. The
working on a studio template for green screen recording purposes. Current image is rendered with mental ray without any settings tinkering. When I have more time, this week, I will focus on daylight interior lightning, (mental ray) materials, render settings and I will add video as a background. Current background image is a plane with
640 x 480 fumefx & particle system setup in 15 mins. This is a render test to check the capabilities of my work station. fumefx settings: spacing 4, velocity 0,03, vo time 1,0 By no means is this render trying to approach any realism.
From a 2009 project for the TU Delft cialis quebec. Manualy tracking a 3D Satellite into google earth footage. For the geeks among us: used video as background image in 3dsmax, rotoscoped the camera in sync with the satelite animation frames, rendered all frames in PNG, added the beams from a PS image, brought it
Another fictional ad for the Space Photography Agency 'Black Whole'. I got the glass crack from cgtextures, but all the rest is from scratch without using or looking at any reference. I had a hard time figuring out the right blending modes for the space layers in order to get the right lightning effects. I've
For the second time now, we were asked to perform the virtual theatre performance "the respons(e)ible project". This time in theatre frascati in Amsterdam. The upcoming four days, we will host the warm-up and cooling-down of marslanding. LINK to the info on the frascati website LINK to the original performance documentary project in cooperation with:
-- Click on the image to view a HD version | virtuater | TINACG (c) 2010 -- -- Click video below to watch intercepted AR test footage from gateways labs. --
In collaboration with Jelte from “This is not a game company” games, we are working on a concept for a mobile augmented reality game [MARG]. We can’t give you much details yet but a teaser site will be online soon. <img src=" acheter cialis 20 mg.jpg" alt="GATEWAYS | a mobile AR game" width="550" height="314" />GATEWAYS
Never look a rainbow in his pot Click image for a larger version "Only The Pure Of Heart" is all about treasure. Read the description inside the larger image [click images above for a larger version] for a detailed overview of the project.
Märklin neue Artikel Another [Project in a Day] project in early April. The goal was to think of an awkward Märklin add cialis generique pas cher. (Märklin is a german miniature train brand). I had to finish the final result within 8 hours (PIAD rules). This means, a lot of details was left out and
Click image to view a large version. A wrap-up of March will soon be online. The Last Orchid - protected by SSC
Blitz — for iphone and google android I’m working on a concept for an AR game. It will be a mixture of scorched Vs tower defense. You can play the game through your mobile phone in any environment possible. Including: Ultimate Upgrades, Multiplayer Madness, Dazzling Defenses and a lot of fun. I will soon release
Mr. Rig v1.0 – free download This month’s PIAD is all about the principles of animation. Im thinking of an augmented reality game in which the main character can freely move in any setting you are filming with your mobile device. For example, Mr. Rig has to reach point B from his starting location and
While I’m working on the recovery of all the posts, I also try an update the most recent projects. Yesterday, we hosted a painting workshop for soccer club PSV, Eindhoven. [CLICK HERE] to view the setup and one of the final results. For privacy reasons, I did not included any of the players. ——————— PIAD